Heights Shopping Center

333 Hawaii Ave NE, Washington, DC


(demos within 0.5 mile radius)

Household Income $112,147
Population 7,570
Daytime Population 5,557
Vehicles per Day 12,500 on Taylor Street

Space Plan

Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
1 1,366   Sicilian Pizza
2 960   Dolphins
3 1,200   Seafood Deli
4 1,199   Available
Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
5 2,507   University Wine and Spirits
6 1,200   Subway
7 1,200   Available Salon
8 2,400   7-Eleven


This is a highly visible neighborhood center on the corner of Hawaii Avenue and Taylor Street in NE Washington, DC. Located adjacent to Catholic University of America (6,838 Students) and their sports complex. Heights Shopping Center is one block away from Providence Hospital and three blocks north of the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center. The property is accesible from North Capitol Street and situated in a dense student residential area.