The Lansburgh
444 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20004(demos within 0.25 mile radius)
Household Income | $202,132 | |
Population | 2,094 | |
Daytime Population | 36,367 | |
Vehicles per Day | 22,475 on 7th Street NW |
Space Plan
Click the drop down box below for additional site plan views
Suite | Sq. Ft. | Tenant | 2nd-Generation |
F | Oyamel | ||
G | Bindass |
Suite | Sq. Ft. | Tenant | 2nd-Generation |
1 | 2,965 | Available | Restaurant |
Bill Dickinson
Executive Director of Brokerage
Mike Howard
Executive Director of Brokerage
Melissa Webb
Executive Director of Brokerage