Fordson Place

7645 Fordson Road, Alexandria, VA 22306


(demos within 1 mile radius)

Household Income $105,869
Population 24,937
Daytime Population 4,376
Vehicles per Day 55,000 on Route 1

Site Map

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Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
1        Verizon Wireless
2        Pollo Campero
3        Dunkin' Donuts
Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
4 1,436   Monarch Paint & Design Center
5        Paisano's
6 2,960   Available


Melissa Webb

Executive Director of Brokerage

Fordson Place has excellent visibility and convenience between two signalized intersections facing Richmond Highway. This center is surrounded by strong demographics and high traffic counts. The neighborhood center is a high quality project in an affluent, underserved market as well as being only 3 miles from Ft. Belvoir and a .5 miles from INOVA Mount Vernon Hospital.