5275 Leesburg Pike

Falls Church, VA 22041


(demos within 1 mile radius)

Household Income $95,011
Population 42,450
Daytime Population 33,917
Vehicles per Day 35,000 on Leesburg Pike (Route 7)

Space Plan

Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
1 2,808   FedEx
2 3,069   District Taco
3 6,598   Buffalo Wild Wings
4 3,267   Xcel Urgent Care
5 12,569   Dental Alliance
Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
6 6,569   Office Tenant
7 35,874   Office Tenant
8 400   H&R Block
9 400   Lobby Shop


Zach Elcano

Director of Leasing and Brokerage

Located in Bailey’s Crossroads near multiple highly frequented shopping centers, Skyline Plaza is highly visible from Route 7. This space is located on the bottom floor of the Skyline Plaza Condominium complex and next to the Skyline Tower Apartments with over 900 units, creating an abundant customer base right outside the door. There is a large mix of regional and national tenants close by, including Trader Joe’s, REI, World Market, Chipotle, District Taco, Starbucks, and Panera.