455 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20001


(demos within 0.25 mile radius)

Household Income $129,129
Population 9,297
Daytime Population 19,687
Vehicles per Day 31,000 on Massachusetts Avenue

Space Plan

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Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
1 1,365   Available
2 1,640   Available Restaurant
Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
3 5,810   Available Restaurant


Located in the heart of Mount Vernon Triangle, 455 Massachusetts Avenue NW has high visibility and a 95 Walk Score and is positioned near multiple metro stops, including Metro Center, Chinatown-Gallery Place, and Mt Vernon-7th Street stations. A short walk from the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Chinatown, and Gallery Place, this retail space will provide the ultimate access to dense professional and tourist populations.