1310 N Courthouse Rd

Arlington, VA 22201


(demos within .5 mile radius)

Household Income $149,118
Population 20,456
Daytime Population 16,121
Vehicles per Day 53,000 on Route 50

Space Plan

Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
1 16,171   McLean Bible
Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
2 3,580   The Conditioning Room


Pat O'Meara

Executive Director of Brokerage

Formerly a Gold’s Gym, this highly visible fitness space with over 19,000 SF offers the dense residential and daytime population in the neighborhood a convenient and walkable option to maintain their health and wellness.  Located directly along N Courthouse Road, the streetfront space with ample signage will not go unnoticed to the over 9,000 vehicles passing daily.  Considered a Walker’s Paradise with a 94 Walk Score, this space is surrounded by nearby employers including the Arlington General District Court, plenty of multifamily communities within walking distance, and is easily accessible to the Court House Metro Station.