2039 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, VA 22201


(demos within 1 mile radius)

Household Income $157,631
Population 43,738
Daytime Population 46,922
Vehicles per Day 12,000 on Wilson Boulevard

Space Plan

Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
BASEMENT 2,001   Available
UPPER 2,396   Available
Suite Sq. Ft. Tenant 2nd-Generation
1 2,540   Taco Bell Cantina


Mike Howard

Executive Director of Brokerage

Second generation restaurant space available in highly walkable downtown Courthouse. Located in the middle of a strong restaurant market with a great evening crowd along with a dense office market. This two-story retail opportunity is easily accessible from the Courthouse Metro Station and has 11 dedicated retail parking spaces located alongside and behind the building.